
Do you need help getting organized but can’t afford on site services?

Are you in an area where there are few if any professional organizers?

Do you want to start out small just to see if this organizing thing could work for you?

Virtual Organizing is the process of getting organized through the use of telephone, email, photographs, video conferencing or other technology. It can be used as an accompaniment to the traditional organizing format or as an alternative to on-site organizing help. You and I will collaborate to develop a plan to achieve a desired outcome based on an initial assessment. Our sessions will be instructed by me while you will provide the physical work. It is a collaborative process that will require us to pull together the right effort and resources to accomplish the job.

Virtual organizing is not for everyone. It requires you to be physically capable of doing the work necessary to accomplish the project at hand. However, we have successfully worked with people whose physical limitations were not up to the task but who had a family member or aide who was willing to work with them on the project. This process also requires you to have some level of comfort with the technology necessary for us to communicate throughout the process. Finally, Virtual organizing is not a “tackle the whole house all at once sort of thing”. The virtual organizing process is a “focus on only one attainable goal at a time sort of thing”. So, no need to go it alone when you can work with A+ Organizing℠ one project at a time.

Virtual Organizing Services

  • Initial Assessment

  • Develop Action Plan and Timeline

  • Gathering Supplies

  • Working Sessions

  • Homework

  • Continuous Feedback

  • Adjusting Plan and Timeline as Needed

  • Success

“Ron bought structure and systems to chaos, working with my own thought processes so that the systems feel logical to me. He provided clarity by putting things together logically so that I can easily maintain my newly found organization. Working with me, Ron helped me to understand how to create these effective systems so that they can actually work for me. Following my appointments with him, I found that I could hear his voice encouraging me to put things in place and actually use the organization systems we had created.

With his knowledge and expertise, Ron bought another level to my efficiency and my effectiveness and, in turn, my ability to grow my business. Bringing order to my chaos has bought peace to the way I work and live, giving me FREEDOM to move on to bigger and better things.”

— Elizabeth Grant, Esquire Grant Counsel & Associates, LLC